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Gliding across floodplains on an airboat
Cruising Corroboree Billabong on a custom-made boat
Saltwater crocodile sunning itself on green native grass filled bank

Crociere safari nelle zone umide di Wildlands

Wildlands Wetlands Safari Cruises offre tour guidati in idroscivolante e crociere fluviali a Corroboree Billabong, situato a soli 90 minuti da Darwin, tra aprile e ottobre di ogni anno.

Che tu stia scivolando attraverso le zone umide su un idroscivolante o navigando su una barca attraverso i corsi d'acqua fiancheggiati da fiori di loto e ninfee, questa è una parte del Territorio del Nord da non perdere.

Le guide esperte e appassionate forniranno informazioni sulla ricca fauna selvatica che abita l'area in ogni tour.


  • COVID Clean Praticare Affari
  • COVID sicuro
  • Qualità Turismo Accreditamento
  • Turismo sostenibile Accreditamento

1.5 Hour Safari Cruise

The 1.5 hour Safari Cruise is a guided tour on the waterways of Corroboree Billabong.

Cruise through winding waterways with water lilies lining the banks and be on the lookout for saltwater crocodiles, various bird species and other wildlife.

45 Minute Airboat Safari

The 45 minute Airboat Safari is a guided airboat tour that will take you across privately owned, seemingly endless floodplains where you can immerse yourself into the scenery.

The wetlands are home to a large number of saltwater crocodiles, various bird species and other wildlife so you'll get the chance to view them in their own natural environment.


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