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Wangi Falls
Litchfield park
Tolmer falls

Le avventure del parco di Litchfield

Litchfield Park Adventures, un'azienda di proprietà locale con vent'anni di esperienza come guida nel Top End dell'Australia, offre tour dedicati per soddisfare le esigenze di tutti i viaggiatori progettati per eludere i tempi in cui ci sono grandi folle presso le principali cascate e i punti ristoro del parco.

I tour mirano a offrirti un'esperienza eccellente in cui puoi immergerti nella tranquillità e nelle meraviglie della natura che Litchfield ha da offrire mentre ti rilassi sotto le cascate e ti crogioli nell'oasi della natura mentre nuoti in limpide piscine di acqua dolce.

Il Litchfield National Park è una tappa obbligata se ti trovi nella fascia alta. La sua superficie è di circa 1500 km2, situata a 100 km a sud-ovest di Darwin (circa 1 ora e mezza di macchina).

Una casa per molte delle più grandi meraviglie naturali del territorio settentrionale, tra cui foreste di viti monsoniche tropicali limpide, naturali e alimentate da sorgenti, cultura indigena, cibo e medicine del bush e gran parte della fauna selvatica abbondante e diversificata della fascia alta.

Soddisfa un piccolo gruppo o un tour charter privato. Viaggia con facilità e comfort mentre sei a bordo del furgone Rosa con aria condizionata e accessibilità per sedie a rotelle. Ti verrà fornito il prelievo e un piacevole viaggio di ritorno al tuo alloggio a Darwin.


  • COVID sicuro
  • Tour Guiding Association

Full day Litchfield Park Tour and Jumping Crocodile Small Group

The perfect place to catch your breath and disappear into the tranquil landscape. Pick up from your accommodation, then stop at Batchelor Butterfly Farm to experience the animal petting zoo. From here, wind your way into a scenic 15minute drive into Litchfield park for your ultimate Litchfield adventure.

Swim and cool off in the blissful spring-fed waterfalls, take a guided walk in the tropical monsoon vine forests and experience nature in its finest form. Experience a lesson in ancient Indigenous bush food and medicine, passed down from ancestors for thousands of years. Be amazed by the incredible architectural works of termites at the Termite Mounds. Admire sandstone formations of the natural landscape and its abundant unique wildlife and birds, all protected in their own natural habitat. All while being led by an experienced and qualified local guide.

You will be provided with a pleasant drive back to your accommodation in Darwin.

Tour includes: picnic lunch, snacks, snorkel gear, floating device. door to door transport service.

One day Litchfield Private Charter Tour

The perfect place to catch your breath and disappear into the tranquil landscape. Pick up from your accommodation then stop in and experience Batchelor Butterfly Farm and the wonderful animal petting zoo. From here, wind your way into a scenic 15minute drive into Litchfield park for your ultimate Litchfield adventure! Swim and cool off in the blissful spring-fed waterfalls, take a guided walk in the tropical monsoon vine forests and experience nature in its finest form.

Experience a lesson in ancient Indigenous bush food and medicine, passed down from ancestors for thousands of years. Be amazed by the incredible architectural works of termites at the Termite Mounds. Admire sandstone formations of the natural landscape and its abundant unique wildlife and birds, all protected in their own natural habitat. All while being led by an experienced and qualified local guide.

You will be provided with a pleasant drive back to your accommodation in Darwin.

Tour includes: picnic lunch, snacks, snorkel gear, floating device. door to door transport service.


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